Classroom Policies

Homework Policy:

Homework will be given out on Fridays.  Students will have all week to complete the work.  It will be "due" on the following Friday.  Each homework packet will include reading and math practice sheets.  Homework is optional, but always encouraged and rewarded!

 Rewards for homework:

  • Increased test scores
  • Return completed work--sticker on class homework chart and trip to Treasure Box
  • Solve weekly Mystery Word--ticket in drawing for trip to Treasure Box
  • Solve weekly Family Math Problem--ticket in drawing for trip to Treasure Box


Schoolwide Behavior Policy

Students will be expected to follow all school rules which can be found in the student handbook.  We have adopted CHAMPS as our schoolwide behavior management program.  The class earns tickets from school personnel for following those rules as a group (lunchroom, hallways, special area classes).  These tickets are traded for a class party determined by our guidance team.

   Classroom behavior policy

Each student will have a pocket with 3 cards (green, yellow, and red).  Everyone begins each day on green.  The goal is to remain on green all day, however if a student chooses not to follow our classroom rules they will place the yellow card in the front of the pocket.  If the student continues to have difficulty following rules they will place the red card in the front of the pocket.  Parents will be notified via the Take Home Folder calendar.  Should the behavior continue the student will be referred to guidance and/or administration. 

Rewards for Good Behavior:

  • sticker on personal behavior chart (remaining on green each day), once chart is filled student earns a trip to Treasure Box